Introducing Digital Manufacturing Accelerator (DMA)


Our aim is to help companies of all sizes de-risk the adoption of new digital and automation technologies and enhance the UK’s reputation in adopting modern methods of manufacturing.

Located in new, purpose-built facilities in the Liverpool City Region, the DMA will strengthen the competitiveness of UK manufacturers through the development and deployment of new digital and automation technologies; creating a more efficient, agile and productive manufacturing sector.

The DMA has created new highly skilled jobs at its facilities in Liverpool as well as training and upskilling the existing manufacturing workforce as we support the future requirements of the sector.

The DMA is looking to work alongside manufacturers from across the region and the UK including the supply chain, SME’s and industrial end users.

We want companies of all sizes to contact us as we look to directly support digital and technology focused manufacturing projects in our new digital and physical testbed facilities with the end goal of de-risking and driving the rapid adoption of new technologies to grow our manufacturing sector.

Get in touch

"This project is a unique opportunity to upskill and connect technology providers and manufacturers, to develop the ecosystem required to rapidly commercialise product research and development."

Charlie Whitford

Director, North West & Regions, Manufacturing Technology Centre